Professional Gamepad Testing Tool

Test your controller's performance with precision

Waiting for gamepad connection...

How It Works


Connect Your Gamepad

Simply plug in your gamepad via USB or connect it through Bluetooth


Select Test Type

Choose from our comprehensive suite of testing tools


Perform Tests

Follow the on-screen instructions to test your gamepad's functionality

Button Test

Test button responsiveness and functionality

Principle: Monitors the pressed state of each button through the Gamepad API, providing real-time visual feedback.

Method: Press any button on your controller. The corresponding button on screen will highlight when pressed.

D-pad Test

Up: 0
Down: 0
Left: 0
Right: 0

Test D-pad accuracy and count button presses

Principle: Tracks individual and combination presses of the D-pad buttons, recording the number of successful inputs.

Method: Press the D-pad in any direction. The display will show pressed buttons and count the number of presses. Use the reset button to clear counts.

Trigger Test


Test analog trigger sensitivity and range

Principle: Measures the analog input values of the triggers (L2/R2), displaying the precise pressure level from 0.00 to 1.00.

Method: Slowly press and release the triggers to test their full range. The bars will fill proportionally to the pressure applied.

Analog Stick Response Rate Test

Left Stick

当前: 0Hz
最大: 0Hz
平均: 0Hz

Right Stick

当前: 0Hz
最大: 0Hz
平均: 0Hz

Test stick movement response rate and accuracy

Principle: Measures the frequency of position updates from the analog sticks, tracking current, maximum, and average response rates.

Method: Move the sticks in any direction. The display shows update frequency in Hz and creates a visual trail of movement.

Vibration Test


Test controller vibration intensity and patterns

Principle: Controls the dual-motor rumble system, allowing separate testing of both weak and strong vibration motors.

Method: Adjust the sliders to set intensity levels, then use the test buttons to activate vibration. Use stop button to end vibration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which gamepads are supported?

We support most modern gamepads including Xbox controllers, PlayStation controllers, and other standard USB/Bluetooth gamepads.

Why isn't my gamepad being detected?

Make sure you're using a modern browser that supports the Gamepad API (like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge). Also check if your gamepad is properly connected and drivers are installed.

How accurate are the tests?

Our tests use the browser's native Gamepad API, providing accurate real-time measurements of your controller's inputs.

What should I do if I find issues with my gamepad?

If you detect any issues, try updating your gamepad's firmware and drivers. If problems persist, contact the manufacturer's support.